Thursday, November 8, 2007

Single and Loving It

So the title of this blog, co-momo-tion, is a cheesy play on words. I know. I know. Way out of character for me.

Day two of Kristina's hospital stay is almost in the books. After a bit of a mixup on day one, Kristina has now moved in the Perinatal unit and in her permanent room. Please feel free to read more about her stay in her blog (easily referenced in the Other Blogs I Read section).

So far things are good considering the circumstances. Kristina is obviously disheartened to be in the hospital, but I think she will settle into a routine quickly. Also now that she is in her final room she can unpack and start to give the room some personal touches to make it less sterile. Alex has done really well at the hospital so far. Maybe too well. He already didn't want to leave after our visit tonight. In our two visits he has been very content to just climb on the hospital bed and play with some toys, color, or watch a video. Tonight was a little rough getting him to bed at home, but that's not necessarily out of character for him.

I'm also doing fine. I also hope to settle into a routine quickly. Since Alex's preschool is just a few blocks from the hospital it works well for me to bust out of work a little early, go home and take care of our dog and eat a reasonably quick dinner. Then I pick up Alex and go to the hospital. Alex gets kind of a raw deal for dinner choices, but since he eats about 5 different foods right now I suspect he won't care. Already I can tell that I will be frustrated by not having enough time in the day on weekdays (I'll keep you posted about weekends). I get to work a little later than I want and leave a littler earlier than I want. I pick up Alex a little later than I want and spend less time with Kristina than I want. And Alex goes to bed a little later than I want. I guess I could argue that I shouldn't be taking this time to do a blog, but I figured I should try one out and I would rather not spam everyone with email. We shall see if it lasts.

That's about all. Like I said, read Kristina's post for hospital specifics since I don't feel compelled to repeat all information. Plus, she writes more better than me anyway. I will say that my interaction with the medical staff at Rose has been positive. It doesn't hurt that I have my cute little son in tow when I'm there.

Once again thanks go out to everyone's continued support.

Also, clearly love and thanks go to Kristina who has the much tougher job (unless Alex is scream-crying at me :-) ).



AmandaS said...

Single and loving it, huh? I think the 3 foot chick magnet is probably a huge boon for your animal magatism. If only you had him around in your early 20s...think of how much action you would have seen. ;-) Hang in there, G$. There's a lot of love following to you.

Mom said...

Hope you enjoyed your stay at the hospital last night as much as Kris did! We love you all. BS & BS in So. Oregon